Doga or Yoga… Which is more fun?

Yes, there is such a thing as “doga” — a type of yoga used to achieve harmony between yogis and their pets. During doga, pups can perform poses on their own, alongside their yogi master or as a prop for their parent. Now that, my friends, is a true down dog.

The end game is including your dog in your yoga routine for the purposes of more bonding and becoming closer to them. Read on to learn more about this dog yoga.

We all send text messages while we’re walking our dogs. Dogs don’t often get our full, undivided attention. Doga creates a space for an unusual type of contact.

Fans of doga say that the practice enhances the feeling of connectedness between you and your dog. Some doga classes simply incorporate your dog’s body into your routine. Sometimes your dog is used like a prop. You may reach over them to extend a stretch. Or, the instructor might place your smaller dog here and there on your body for extra weight. As you lift and bend and stretch, you’ll touch your dog. Over time, your dog will learn the routine with you and it will become more natural. Isn’t this fun?

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