
We all know that the greatest wealth is health. I believe sometimes we loose health just because as people, we have become obsessed with it.  If you wish to keep as healthy and energized as possible, the less you think about your health the better. Focusing on our upmost creativity, being away from anything unnatural (I am talking about food), do not sit all the time (move, move, move…), grab every little bit of happiness’s in our short life will change our hormones, blood circulation, and immune system totally. We all live a maximum of around 100 years which is as short as a butterfly’s life compared to the age of our home planet. Better we prefer to be happy.  As John Steinbeck said: A sad soul can kill you quicker than a germ.

You can read my letter here to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stating my concerns on current and
High cholesterol can be caused by a variety of factors. Your age, gender, and genetics play an important roll in
Do you have acid reflux? Members of my family, most of my friends, and I have used proton pump inhibitor (PPI) drugs whenever